The most common concern that I hear from the My Lady ADHD community is the frustration around the ADHD diagnosis and testing process, which can be outdated, time-consuming, intimidating, and confusing. A typical assessment for ADHD may last about 3 hours and generally includes an overview of development, health, family, and lifestyle history. The Clinician may also request to interview additional family members, teachers, and others close to the patient. Overall, this subjective approach to testing is prone to biases and inconsistencies, which makes it more challenging to receive a correct diagnosis. 

As an ADHD Advocate and Owner of the social platform, My Lady ADHD, I feel very strongly that this process needs reformation, or at the very least, it needs to be simplified. Through one late-night deep-dive into the rabbit hole of Google, I found Qbtech - a company devoted to this very mission. Even before I knew what service they provided, I was intrigued by the headline on the home page of their website, which states, "ADHD Management needs shaking up." It seemed like they really understood the issues that the ADHD community faces, and it was refreshing to be seen and validated in this way. 

Based in Sweden and operating globally, Qbtech has been working for change in the ADHD community since the early 2000s. The Company’s owners share a personal experience of going through the diagnostic process, finding frustration when their diagnosis was based solely on subjective data. They now provide FDA-cleared, computer-based, objective tests that measure attention, motor activity, and impulsivity – the core symptoms of ADHD – that only take 15-20 minutes to complete.

Qbtech offers two tests that compare your results against other people your same age/sex to improve accuracy and understanding of symptoms for each individual person. Their first test, QbTest, is their in-clinic test, and reports are used in conjunction with their clinical information to help them make a final diagnostic decision. QbTest takes much of the guesswork and misinformation about ADHD out of the equation and helps speed up the time to diagnosis. Excitingly, Qbtech also offers the FDA-Cleared QbCheck* – a telehealth version of their objective test that can be done remotely alongside a clinician. Both QbTest and QbCheck use motion tracking systems that monitor attention and impulse control and generate an objective report of the patient’s results. These results help clinicians understand the severity of symptoms, and re-testing helps those who are prescribed and choose to take medication, clearly see how patients respond to their treatment. Qbtech’s objective tests are some of the most advanced ADHD tests available and the only of their kind that measure activity levels – hyperactivity being one of the core symptoms of the condition.

I’m excited to be partnering with Qbtech to share more about their technology and how patients can benefit from an objective evaluation.  I will be personally taking a QbCheck this month and will provide an in-depth account of my experience and an overview of my test results. To follow along on this journey with me, visit To join the growing My Lady ADHD community on Instagram, click here.

If you’re interested in QbTest or QbCheck and would like to find a qualified provider in your area, click here to get more information from the Qbtech team. You can visit Qbtech Online HERE to learn more about the tests, review clinical research and check out their blog.

*QbCheck/QbTest is not meant to be a standalone tool for diagnosing ADHD. Instead, it is designated to be added to aid healthcare professionals in the assessment process along with a clinical interview and rating scales.

Qbtech is a paid partner of MyLadyADHD. Opinions and commentary expressed here are that of MyLadyADHD.  

