Recent research shows that a positive mental state is linked to higher levels of health, including lower blood pressure and reduced risk for heart disease, better blood sugar levels, and longer life.

Here are some ways to shift the dialogue. Jot down your favorites and repeat as necessary. Save them somewhere useful or create a few of your own:

  1. My differences make me valuable

  2. I am capable of so many things

  3. My memory is strong

  4. Being playful is a necessity in my life

  5. I choose to focus on peace today

  6. It’s okay to ask for help

  7. It’s okay to have hard days

  8. I take things one step at a time

  9. I will not push myself into burnout

  10. I will rest when my body asks for rest

Affirmations like these have played an important role in how I manage my ADHD (In addition to therapy, exercise, coaching, etc)…which is why I’m so excited to announce that pre-orders are now available for my 52-Card ADHD Empowerment Deck!

Pre-Order Here

